I am a photographer because I love to capture moments in life we want to remember. Memories fade, stories become hard to recall, but a photograph can be a reminder of that time, and that moment.
I've been a photographer for 20 years. I started as an apprentice for an amazing wedding photographer on Maui, HI. Since moving back to the mainland, I found myself photographing less weddings, and more families. I love the chaos of children and the challenge of capturing their true selves in photographs.
After living in San Diego California for almost 20 years, my family and I decided to relocate to our roots on the east coast. In San Diego I was used the beautiful outdoor studio California provided. However, here on the east coast, mother nature isn't quite so easy going! With starting a new phase of life, living in a new place, I'm also exploring a new side of photography in an indoor studio space.
The space I was looking for would be a place I could have my photography but also have space to do my other passion, art. I've been an art teacher for children and adults for years; after school art programs at elementary schools, private children and adult parties, and paint and sips.
My thought was to combine my love of photography & art. How often do children make art? They bring home their masterpiece and the art pile begins! I really wanted to create art classes that mix the photography, captures YOU in this moment in your life and then put those images into the art. And create a piece of art that you want to cherish. I also wanted to offer a space to invite other artists to come a teach their passions and open people up to new art. Lastly I want to provide a space for private parties! This space will be a new path for me and I am excited!!
I invite you to get in front of my camera, get your hands dirty & let the creativity flow!
When I'm not taking photographs I like to spend time with my family (aka... chauffeur, therapist, chef, maid, hair dresser, personal shopper, and snuggle buddy)! I'm a genealogy nerd! I love a good book on history, preferably WWII, 16th century Europe, and early North America.
I am grateful for this amazing "job" that I love & working each day with a camera in hand. Above all I love taking photographs so we don't forget!

Reach out to me at:
201 N. Aberdeen Ave. Wayne, PA